♥ Thursday, March 10, 2011

wow woW WOW it's really duper OMG long since I BLOG HAHAHHA!!!!

well juz came back from TOKYO!!!!!!
went to tokyo from 28feb - 7mar 2010....
boarded SQ, A380 to tokyo the seat is so damn not shiok like small onli haiz....

the weather there is damn SHIOK!!!!!!!!
but when the strong wind blows is not that shiok afterall....
horrible me still able to perspire under the cold temperature of 3 degree....

hmm basically at tokyo juz visitng to companies, attractions, eating, shopping and wallking non-stop...
with the ah ma leg that I had, after day 3 the long walking day at disneyland my leg is swallon (Y)....

hmm still gt wad to tok abt arh?????
shall seperate the post....

ate at; 12:05 AM