♥ Monday, March 29, 2010


ate at; 8:18 PM

phew juz came back from the scary place...
went to jj party 4 @scape...
omg so many china ppl in front me blocking my view....
haiz is a disadvantage of being a矮子...
cant really see anything tip toe oso abit no use haiz....
after that autograph session...
chong qing really damn funny haha...

OMG so tiring have been standing for abt 4hrs...
n that's it to my back haizzz....

nowadays bus is getting more n more SCARY n unsafe....
nt happy jiu suddenly fight n scare the whole lot of passenger in the bus....
juz like yest gt this malay nt happy with indian end up fighty so fiercely till almost every1 on the upper deck wanna alight the bus...
then 2dae haizzzz.....

ate at; 12:20 AM

♥ Thursday, March 25, 2010

gdness 2dae really tired si le...
run here n there....
haiz morning wrk at junyuan pri end at 11.30...
then gonna chiong to AHS by 1230...
so me n px walk to the bus stop (gdness the bus stop is damn far away)...
while walking we saw lots of bus that we gonna take passing by...
bus becoz the bus stop is still far away n i cant run that fast so didnt chase the bus...
but haiz at the end we still run n chase the bus as we r gonna be late!!!
gdness is damn funny half of the passengers is looking at us soo ps laa.....
like that rub alrdy taking half of my life liao...

2nd time run abit agn to chiong the next busss...
omg omg keep running...
finally reach liao but still gt to climb up the HILL!!!
omg i climb halfway no energy to continue climbing liao...
then the kind px go drag me upp hahaha...
reach the sch really WA BUANG perspire like hell...

gdness intially the class that i'm located at is on the 2nd floor...
but hu noes the in charge told me she rearrange le n end up i was located at lvl 5...
gdness i alrdy tired like mad n still have 2 climb up to 5th floor!!!
omg reach the class really die liao end up i stone at 1 corner....

haiz sianz tmr gt to wake up ard 6+ammmm :(.....

ate at; 9:03 PM

♥ Wednesday, March 24, 2010

early in the morning 7+am stupid cockroche cm out n SCARE ME!!!
omg me really too sensitive to cockroache...
after i finish makan my biscuits n milo my eyes seem to saw sthing crawling damn fast seem like cockroach ...
gdness few secs later the blackie cockroach APPEAR!!!
n immediately without thinking i shout my ma for helpp n me stand up high on the chair!!!
n she wake up from her dream n blurr blurr ask me wad happen...
when i told her COCKROACH she immediately wake up haha...
then take a container trying to trap that stupid cockraoch inside...
BUT BUT BUT the stupid cockroach juz crawl too fast couldnt trap it end up crawl to the toilett!!!
gdness i haven bath yet nnnn it crawl to the toilet!!!
then then my ma go take detergent n spray on the cockroach..
nn yes the cockroach ate abit of the detergent...
but still nt yet die nnn running out of time n yet still haven bath...
bo bian i force my ma to get the cockroach if nt i sure dun dare to bath then i late for wrk she will oso late haha...
so she *piang piang* the door but no sign of the cockroach..
see here n there oso dun have...
end up its alrdy outside n act to be dead....
as i'm still abit scare scare it si er fu shen crawl back to the toilet i sure scream till no voice....
my ma go pour more detergent on it nn it really turn n crawl ard agn (omg scary)...
but lucky the cockroach alrdy *drunk* liao my ma jiu fast hand fast leg use a container to trap it inside...
finally stupid cockroach is being caught!!!

ate at; 11:49 PM

♥ Sunday, March 21, 2010

sat wrk at tampines....
abit the bored arh...
distrubute flyers outside the station there....
haizstand for 6hrs shoulder stiff like hell n hungry like mad....

in between the time heard the announcement from the mrt station that currently no train service towards paris ris due to blah blah blah...
goodness super loud lian me at outside oso can hear tsk tsk....
then my zhi jue tell me sure gt sthing scary happen agn...

saw the news at yahoo juz nw n saw this "a person jump there from the track at TENAH MERAH" !!!
gdness agnnnn ard my husss area...
gdness so damn freaking scary y ppl keep jumping down from here n there....

ate at; 11:31 PM

♥ Friday, March 19, 2010


ate at; 1:38 AM

♥ Thursday, March 18, 2010

gdness is freaking duper scary!!!
ppl jump from the block agn!!!
this is the 4th time alrdy!!!
less than 4mths 4 ppl jump jump....
front block 2ppl jump back block another 2ppl jump...
goodness jumping down from the block is alrdy like a NORM!!!

intially still tot which sot fellow go slam the door so damn freaking hard..
but hu noes suddenly gt ppl cry so damn loudly....
nnn my funny bro on his way to tuition saw lots of police n ambulance n call my ma (lol that's wad typical sporean do)....
so my ma n i being a typical sporean went out n see..
n saw lots of typically sporean crowded downstairs n see...
still gt this uncle demo the situation to the auntie beside him....

haiz y so _____ choose to jump down...

phew lucky i didnt went downstair walk walk or wad if nt...
100% jelly leg then faint ...
30% die on the spot...
50% mental prob become an adnormal/retard person...
wa if kana the 50% de i rather fall under the 30% de...
being retard or abnormal resulted no friend, no more of going out, no gd food, no games to play, no show to watch...
as wadever u do, eat or watch u wun noe wad u r actually doing.....

ate at; 7:01 PM

yest went downtown K with angel n christina AW....
goodness the room that they gave us is WOW super different from the normal ones....
the K system there oso new de sia.....
sooo COOL la....
new K system gt lots of Korean songs....
n this Christina aw went crazy with it HAHA (oops dun scold me)...

after that went Just Acia to have our dinner....
wanted to order this n that but the pic on the menu juz make it look damn not nice...
but end up i saw ppl ordering it look damn hao chi la...
goodness i want the Herbal Chicken soup, spicy chicken, tomyam soup MEAL!!!!
haiz end of K kana flu....
ahCHOoooo like nobody biz.....

hoho any kind soul wanna treat me any above meal that i mention???

2dae went PS to celebrate my aunty bdae....
went swensen for dinner....
treat her n my cousin for the meal (owe them a meal duper de long liao LOL)...
and agn the pic on the menu CHEAT my feeling...
it look delicious on the pic but when the food came it look and taste juz nice nia...
haiz kana cheated for continuous 2 days :(....

lesson learnt: Never Ever Believe The Pic On The Menu!!!!

ate at; 12:52 AM

♥ Monday, March 15, 2010

haiz sianz really dunno hw i injured my right hand sia....
no pig hand but haiz is aching...
haiz sianz realli like残废....
cant really carry heavy stuff...
is actually a gd news sia can carry heavy stuff(like that my ma wun ask me carry those heavy things liao)but then is weird n uncomfortable using left hand....


ate at; 11:14 PM

sat went raffles link > suntec > IT fair with angel and rp friends....
cant imagine that sat i really went to IT fair...
cant imagine that I'm able to tahan n squeeze in...
but in the end buay tahan give up while mel n his friend continue finding their things...

then angel n me went to walk round....
go find a place that is not that crowded...
while taking escalator down we saw the sales SALES thingy...
so auntie de wo men went in look look...
gdness the CHoc there is really damn tempting....
but we didnt buy it for the first time we went in...
so went out of the room and trying veri hard to find a place to sit....
HAIZ sad no place to sit....
saw lots of ppl siting on the floor...
end up we 2 really too tired to walk we oso copy the ppl there sit down n eat biscuit....
after that went back to buy the choc as the choc too tempting liao...
so went in the choose n pay n go...
but haiz the queue was abit long...
so wait n wait BUT the queue gt stuck halfway all becoz of the stupid bangala....
keep adding things in then make the cashier ppl there BLUR (saw the lady at the cashier there FACE IMEDDIATELY CHANGE)!!!
really stupid ppl sia cant they juz finish taking everything that they want then PAY meh ZSD!!!!

after that dinner at new york*2....
then walk to bugis...
intially plan to go TCC to have the dunno wad red bean drinks (suddenly craving for it LOL)...
but end up didnt go drink drink as no more seat inside (ppl like me nd aircon if not DIE!!!)...
haiz regretted shld have go in say HI n takeaway the drink *hey drink come to me*....
after that bus home...
finally reach hm 11+....
tired like so mad dog!!!


wed wrk at HIPS....
gt this 2 students duper funny make me stand there n laugh....
LOL like 2 mini couples quarrelling....

this ah boy keep di siao-ing this ah gal by drawing or writing rubbish on the ah gal paper using the mao bi with the blackie ink on it....
then this ah gal not happy draw back on the ah boy paper...
n this keep continue until i gave out the new paper then the ah boy draw agn then ah gal angry...
ah gal: i dun want to tok to u....
but this ah boy still tot this ah gal say say onli so continue toking to ah gal...
then this ah gal face 180 degree change n ignore ah boy...
but ah boy still keep toking to ah gal but ah gal still didnt ans back...
*in the meanwhile the teacher already change a BRAND new paper with ah gal but ah boy didnt notice it*
ah boy: eh u angry arh...dun angry la...i let u draw back la...
ah gal: * do nthing say nthing*....
ah boy: *take the mao bi n draw on his own paper* see i draw le....
ah gal: continue remain SILENT....
ah boy: dun like this la i alrdy draw le... u see...
ah gal: i alrdy told u dun draw le u still draw...
ah boy: okok sorry lor sorry lor can tok to me now??
ah gal: continue remain silent....
ah boy: then wad u want...ok i change paper with u lo...
ah gal: remain silent....
ah boy: u see i draw more on my paper le....
ah gal" continue remain silent....
ah boy: u see i alrdy draw on my paper say sorry le y u still dun wan to tok me....
ah gal: remain silent....
end up ah gal still angry with ah boy then ah boy cannot help it but to stop "pestering" ah gal n gave a super sad face for the rest of the lesson...

was wondering y ah gal didnt tell ah boy nvm it's ok teacher alrdy change a BRAND NEW paper with me le...
ah gal didnt tell ah boy end up make the ah boy so guilty...
is ah gal trying to teach ah boy a lesson?? (next time better dun provoke me)....
kids can be veri ke ai BUT it oso can be veri SCARY~

ate at; 3:20 AM

♥ Wednesday, March 10, 2010

haiz sianz really fall sick liao...
headache > fever > flu > toothache (stupid wisdom tooth agn)...
haiz就只差了no sore throat, cough, vomit all that nia...

haiz juz checked sch mail...
gt this email interesting sia still gt 2NDA...
is volunteers needed for the Aviva Ironman 70.3 Triathlon at ECP...
but hor the timing so crazy la 0200-1600...
if go cool no nd 2 slp agn n can get my points...
if dun go haiz no points but can slp...
haiz sianz shld go??
any rp students wanna go??
but i doubt any1 will wan to go...
most of rp ppl stay at west but this event at east n at such a gd timing....
haiz haIZ HAIZ...

ate at; 11:36 PM

♥ Tuesday, March 9, 2010

goodness 36hrs le n i'm still awake!!!
Haiz cui-ness!!!!
whoever see me now sure shock till die wan....
goodness i'm crazy...
this is wad happen when one didnt get to slp for more than 30hrs!!!

ate at; 11:41 PM

Urghhhh goodnness i'm still awake!!!!
Tmr sure CMI!!!!
is either fall sick or cant wake up...
haiz haiz but i gt a feeling i'm gonna fall sick soonnn!!!!
headache....flu....hit another 40% shld be fever liao....
haiz haIZ HAIZ!!!!

anyways to make me slp NOW!!!
nnnn not to fall sick tmr!!!!
erm maybe thur or after wrk but not tmr!!!

ate at; 10:15 PM

whooo...finally i have survive yest....
end up went to the赌船with my ma n gamble....
come on i onli gamble abit nia..
so play and eat throughout the whole nite till 2dae afternoon...
nnn the coolest part is I HAVEN SLP SINCE YEST I WAKE UP AT 12pm!!!
is alrdy 31hrs n i dun feel slpy yet!!!
gdness i wonder tmr am i able 2 wake up for wrk anot....

erm interesting happen when i was on my way to the du chuang...
when i was abt to check in the funny officer suddenly stop me (gt tio shock stop me 4 wad)...
he stopped me n sae:eh wait hw old r u??
honest kid like me jiu sae 20 n he looked at my passport n gave me the huh 20 serious arh(fei hua arbo 10 or 40 arh)....
tot he abit blind or wad BUT na li zhi dao....
when i was walkimg round the jackpot n the rapid roulette rm to find a machine to play....
but while walking g the guard there keep looking at me n ask hw old r u(haiz cant u see)...
then agn honest kid like me sae the real age lo...
but then he still gt 90% dun believe me like that...
so i tell him u dun believe arh wanna check...
then he yaya let me see ur boarding pass n laugh in the meanwhile(zsd oso dunno wad he laughing)....
so show him n he keep laughing n stop n sae u look too young liao...

haiz 真是的不知道该开心还是伤心....
oh cui cui y i still nt yet feel slpyy!!!

ate at; 6:43 PM

♥ Sunday, March 7, 2010

haiz tot that my bro is gonna be away from hm for camp for 3 days 2 nitez shld be a happy de shi 2 celebrate....
as i'm gonna have peace at hm without him to de siao me....

haiz na li zhi dao my evil ma...
she 乘my bro nt at hm就约her friends go赌船....
nnn she gonna leave me alone at with my pa...
goodness wan me to stay at hm with him might as well ask me go die suan le....
haiz if go with my ma i will oso bored to death...
go there do nthing stare at the ceiling....

haiz haiz haiz hwhwhw...
tmr tmr mon mon die die die sianz sianz sianz!!!
nw then realise我的朋友还真少....
haiz出国的出国,考试的考试, attactment de attachment...
haiz haIZ HAIZ!!!
真的是生不如死 ;-( !!!

ate at; 11:18 PM

♥ Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ah beehoon day!!!
agn agn lazy ma lazy to cook....
so ya qie qie cook cook...
then my ma leh jiu sit there see see here n there....
zsd dunmo y the beehoon so heavy so chim to fan here n there...
in the end the beehoon still nt bad la gt QC check de ...
dunno is too hungry or wad haha end up had almost 2bowl of beehoon...
end up stomach bloated like hell....

ate at; 8:38 PM

♥ Tuesday, March 2, 2010

haiz zsd一波未平,一波又起....
haiz the stupid "breathing difficulty" not yet say byebye....
n now haiz the stupid wisdom tooth is giving me problem liao...
haiz haIZ HAIZ!!!

ate at; 11:36 PM