♥ Sunday, January 24, 2010

phew finally no more wedding dinner liao...
anw had wedding dinner juz nw at Fullerton hotel....
haiz at there other than eat jiu shi msg....

haiz sianz kana seperate tables with my aunty n cousins....
goodness sit wif my ma n jiuma they all...
zsd different frequency de cant tok de....
anw the food there erm humm hai hao nia....
photos of the food haha lazy to upload....
everything finally end after 1130....

zsd nw duper full too much water in my stomach liao....
cant imsgine juz go out for that few hrs i can get so tired...
haizzz old liaooo....

ok is time to slpppp....wow miracle!!!
where's my eyesss!!!

ate at; 1:30 AM

♥ Thursday, January 14, 2010

Aiyoooooo really cUIIII ttm liao haizzzz.....
goodness caNNot retake the module...
retaking module is a nightMARE!!!
GOodNess DE is juz killing ME!!!!

ate at; 10:50 PM

♥ Sunday, January 10, 2010

juz dunno y human like to say一些有的没的....
when u didnt go they will sae sthing abt it..
but when u go they will still have things to say....
dunno y to have soooo much of things to sae....nthing better to do izzit?!

this sentence "知人知面不知心" 说得真有道理...

ate at; 3:41 AM

♥ Thursday, January 7, 2010

wad a stupid day....
juz go sch for 45 mins then go hm....
wasste abt 3+hrs journey juz for a 45mins test....
haizzz stupid sch....

haiz hope everything i connected are correct....
like that cai bu hui waste my 3+ hr journey....
zsd althought everything is connected liao but then juz feel sthing didnt connect...
the 2 output point nd to put any wire out???
if nd haizz sianz coz i didnt put 1 wire out....

ate at; 12:03 AM