♥ Monday, November 30, 2009

Izzit everything can be explain clearly????
Can be understand fully???
Is there anytime whereby the person itself oso dunno wad he/she is toking abt???
Which resulted he/she couldnt explain wad he/she is trying to sae???
Is there anyway to solve this unexplainable things???
However i really doubt so....
But someone can try PROVING it to me that everything can be explain clearly....
But nvm i doubt anyone can prove it...

Sometimes really doubt wad life and humans are acutally for???
For humans...
Izzit that juz live in this world and finish the things that they have to and that's it???
As for life wad izzit actually for....
Really no ans for it....

Life r always tiring, complicating and SIANZ!!!!!!
Y cant life be more simple and enjoyable....
Juz do the things that u want...

Say is easy BUT comes to do is difficult....

ate at; 11:54 PM

♥ Saturday, November 28, 2009

haiz sianzzz.....officially having fever liao...
haiz fall sick during holiday hw gd n fun izzit....
haiz haiz haiz....

ate at; 8:21 PM

♥ Saturday, November 14, 2009

To eat or to slp....
that's wad i'm thinking nw....
Haiz so sad haven had my dinner....
the last meal i had is ard 1pm onli had bread (sad case)....
Haiz i'm hungry nw but yet i'm duper tired....
Option 1 or 2.....
1. eat....
2. slp....

ate at; 11:05 PM


Thinking whether should start saving money to buy it…
Is soooooo CUTE laaaa!!!!
Huang xiang if I own 1 of it…
I will be crazy over it HAHA!!!
After school go home play play play…
In the end kana complain by the neighbours HAHHA!!!
*huang xiang-ing*

ate at; 2:19 PM

♥ Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2dae PCB UT really BUANG to the max...
sianz first time feel so hopeless to it...
IC chip put wrong direction...
wrong direction is like everything u have connect is wrong...
wth waste my time breath it all those harmful gases...so smelly!!!

shall be a guai kia study for communication....

ate at; 12:28 AM


nv ever see there is such a stupid person....
stupid like nobody biz....
hope she juz bang wall die pls....

anw this stupid indian lady i'm refering to the perosn hu sitting beside me for my 3/4 of my journey...
really damn stupid can....
she dun seem like letting me alight the bus when it reach my stop...
1st already hint her that i wanna alight liao by pressing the bell....
but then she do nthing to do it so suan....
so i continue sitting n waiting...

finally reach my stop...
n this damn indian lady juz ignored it when i stand up (no eyes wan sia)....
so bo bian i sae "EXCUSE ME" for like dunno hw many times....
FINALLY she heard me (goodness u deaf or wad when u r not even listening to any music)...

GOODNESS i tot she will juz stand up and move her butt for juz a few sec BUT NOT....
idiot her juz sit down there expect me to squeeze myself out of that small little space...
realli shit her...she juz like a blind ppl...
cant she see my size and the things i'm carrying > a big bag with a heavy laptop (HELO R U BLIND)...
or she think that she skinny even to let me out....

damn it... it really took me quite a long time juz to squeeze myself out of that stupid place....
plus left hand (no strength) carrying that stupid laptop and it's going to drop it...
so bo bian have to use my right hand to support the bulky laptop...
after which faster use my right hand to carry the damn freaking heavy bag up high up over her freaking head...
but then due to my right hand suddenly no strength so no chioce and which the pek cey mood liao....
juz use my bulky bag push it backward.... (wonder if i hit her...if yes i will be damn happy... if not i will be damn sad for it)....


ate at; 12:01 AM

♥ Friday, November 6, 2009

lesson today damn tiring...
PCB really damn tiring sia....
tsk the whole day turn turn wire....
connect here and there....
sit whole day back become ah ma liao...

HAHA after studying in rp for almost 2 yrs...
HAHA this is the first i so hardworking sia lol....
first time the circuit i connect is correct and the LED works sia HAHHA....
goodness 1st time lol....
first time dun even have the time to eat wow woW WOW!!!
so proud of myself lol jkjk...
is time for me to get some back massage!!!!

ate at; 12:06 AM