♥ Wednesday, September 30, 2009

haiz 开学 = 新班 = 新朋友
zsd 进了一间白痴的学校。。。

该 _ 的没_ 。。。

ps: 人生真无趣啊~

ate at; 2:58 AM

♥ Saturday, September 26, 2009

went bowling 2dae...
played 4 games...which i never try playing that much before...
the most 3 game jiu die liao....
after bowl really tired like mad...
then had lunch cum dinner?? at dunno where forgt the name of it...
while eating i'm really in fang kong state...juz like zombie eating...
after makan still tired like mad so decided to go home hoME HOME!!!
haiz sad train no seat for me this auntie sit...
so ke lian stand n slp haizz...
walk with eyes close (lucky didnt bang on anything)...

reach home rest awhile...
then K.O...
haiz sad only had 3hr of slp nia...
haiz more sad la my ma didnt even realise i'm at home...
zsd i'm such a big size still cant see me :(

anw train was so irritating...
really hate taking train...
always kana squeeze squeEZE SQUEEZE....
althought is fast but i rather take a longer time to reach home than being SQUEEZE!!!

idiotic pp make me stay up so late

ate at; 5:20 AM

♥ Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Went JB 2dae...
planned to eat alot of stuff in the end onli ate a few....
haiz still gt quite alots of things haven eat :(...
walk here n there do nthing LOL!!!
ended up at the arcard playing...
played Daytona and this small boy join us...(eh i didnt bully horr)
after that walk around the mooncakes stall....

erm...this few days have been eating non-stop arh....
BUT hor didnt really gain any weight PHEW~....
woohoo proud of myself HAHA jk....
if carry on doing this wahoo "gone case" liao...
n YEAH end of my life LOL!!!
shall stop crapping around sound so bai chi....

hoho already plan for tmr...
hehe wake up eat CHOC MUAHAHAHA!!!
ah ma leg is here!!!!

Life Full Of Foods!!!!

ate at; 3:53 AM

♥ Tuesday, September 22, 2009

2dae do NTHING!!!
actually plan to go the food fair BUT due to sthing in the end went tm eat buffet with my ma!!!
HAHA YES!!! have been wanted to go there eat agn but haiyo no time arh....
haiz here comes the fat fAT FAT!!!

2dae EAT tmr EAT OMG!!!
OMG gonna fat like nobody biz HAHA!!!
aiya hu cares.... I LIKE TO EAT MUAHAHAHA!!!
i will CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!

ate at; 1:09 AM

♥ Monday, September 21, 2009

dream dreAM DREAM...

have been dreaming recently HAHA!!!
but non of the dreams come true :(
anw this time round the dream is erm quite weird HAHA!!!

dream of tan bee bee lao shi (weird y is a teacher???)...
dream of her kana transfer to anglican high...
juz nice i gt to wrk on that day at AHS...
at first saw her was blurr didnt realise is her HAHA!!! (juz wake up ma mind blur like sotong)...
after a second glance finally rmb her HAHA...
n here goes the yang yilin style HAHA!!!
get high n shout : EH CHEN MEI MEI LAO SHI!!!! (OMGoodness malu la coz gt student beside her helping her to take the books...)
then we start chatting quite alot HAHA!!!
but aiya bo bian gt to chiong to the classroom liao (HAHA late liao)...
then chiong to the classroom but haiyoo went to the wrong block...
sianz tired liao still gt to chiong to the other block n climb all the way to the highest lvl...

wow wow i think my memory turn better man HAHA!!!
able to rmb almost wad actually happen in the dream HAHA!!!
so proud of myself LOL!!! jkjk...

ate at; 1:58 AM

♥ Wednesday, September 16, 2009

yeah nthing to blog abt (crazy like that oso happy SIAO!!!)...
anw this mth i think i'm really crazy...
cant believe that this mth i've sent abt 3542smses...
n n n this wasnt the correct amt that i have sent HAHA!!!

always sae those ppl hu sent more than 3000+ sms r crazy...
hw they manage to send so much like nobody biz...
BUT now then i noe that is actually quite easy to hit the 3000....
as long as average 1 day send 200+sms CONFIRM plus CHOP sure hit 3000 HAHA!!!

shall wait for my bill to come...
see how terrible i'm (although still couldnt compare to ppl hu send more than 4000sms)...
haiz CONFIRM get some nagging from my ma HAHA!!!

ate at; 2:17 AM

♥ Monday, September 7, 2009

oh yeah yest i had a dream HAHA!!!
HAHA funny funny...
i dream of LOBSTER!!!
a super BIG LOBSTER!!!
is at a dunno where having LOBSTER BUFFET!!!
omg the lobster so BIG!!!
i keep eating it non-stop...
rmb the last piece i had is the largest 1...
wanted to take a pic of that but haiyooo people r blocking me (one of them is my dayi HAHA!!!)...
rmb that when i wanted to take a pic of that i place the LOBSTER on the floor (GOODNESS hw wld i do that so dirty~)...
HAHA was eating n laughing throughout the buffet...
zsd dream halfway suddenly wake up...
haiz when will i have my lobster dream agn HAHA!!!
OMG wonder if there is a seafood buffet HAHAHA!!!

this is wad u will get after laughing too much....

PS: fat ppl will always think of food no matter wad they are

ANGELINE see i told u liao confirm will dream at nite HAHA...

ate at; 2:45 AM

♥ Sunday, September 6, 2009

wake up ard 7+ then off to wrk...
super slacking job...
walk around the classroom like an idiot (zombie walking)...
read those articles at the notice board like nobody biz (almost fall aslp while reading)...
lesson end climb up n down the stairs like nobody biz...
stupid school no lift gt to climb cliMB CLIMB to lvl5!!!
really feel like a zombie "flying" around...

after wrk went to celebrate ah beng bdae...
went YY for dinner...
my Prawns n SALMON HAHAHAHA!!!!

next ice cream marking...
OMGoodness the mixture of durian, green tea, passion if so eeyer...
dunno y he say it's nice the smell n taste is aiyoooo...
after that walk walk around...
see ppl playing the "jiajia" machine...
omg dunno y ppl can be so crazy of the bears, dolls...
then took bus home....

went to yeeling's bdae...
met xn, michelle, jia ning, qiu yue first (long time no see seniors HAHA!!!)...
tot will feel quite awkward HAHA but no leh....
after that went ehub arcade...
watching ppl playing the bb machine n the erm dunno wad's that call HAHA...
then 11+ bus home...
btw yest i'm really crazy to the max...
keep laughing like nobody biz...
laugh till stomach cramp, mouth couldnt close properly HAHA!!!
the reason of me laughing is secret HAHA!!!

went tm eat eat...
omg full full agn...
after makan walk walk agn to digest
went popular saw the earpiece...
n yeah finally bought my earpiece...
then went T1 eat agn HAHA!!!
bought the spicy fried chicken (i think so) from the xiao ba wang...
omg nice leh HAHA!!!
shall buy it agn next time HAHA...

time tiME TIME....

ate at; 10:35 PM