♥ Thursday, April 30, 2009


2dae lesson was Digital Electronics - Electronic Adder...
it was a erm hem module HAHA...
2dae was trying to connect the wire n dunno wad thing here n there...
so ya while playing with that circuit or wad ever...gt this blackie rectangle thingy (forgt wad's that call HAHA)

so that blackie thing gt lots of "needles" on it and we r suppose to do experiment to change dunno wad thing....
so ya we gt to pluck in n out to test it...
so while trying to pull out that thingy...the stupid "needle" part kana poke into my finger...
so ended up wad happen....BLEED LA!!! LOL...the whole nail all gt the blood..
it was quite disgusting sia as the nail from white turn red...
it keep bleeding non-stop la *sianz* so gt to use tissue to stop it...
but hor no use sia...the tissue cant squeeze in to the nail n wipe it off HAHA!!!
after which bo bian go toielt wash it to stop it from bleeding...

below is the disgusting thing that we done 2dae HAHA

ate at; 11:28 PM

♥ Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Continue continue CONTINUE
wake up at 5.30am...n u noe wth i slp last nite OMG 3+...
so ya wake up at 5.30 damn tired like hell....
eyes cant even open properly...
then faster go bath n all those bo liao stuff....
so ya board the train from to segar...is damn OMG far...
was duper tired n no seat for me tis old auntie to sit...
was really tired till cannot tahan so slp while standing w/o holding anything to it...
i feel that i'm super man can slp while standing plus w/o holding sthing to it...how cool can it be man HAHA!!!
however slp till super uncomfortable wan...scare fall down all that...
after standing for so long finally there is a seat available in front of me...
so before sitting peek here n there see gt ah ma anot...OH ya lucky dun have if not paisehz to sit sia

wow after gluing my butt to the seat...slp immediately after that man...this show hw tired i'm HAHA!!!!
while slping really can feel that i'm falling left n right...n almost knock onto someone beside me...
hw malu is that BUT OMG hu cares I'm tired, i juz wan to SLP HAHA!!!
after working went to have lunch at Lot1 with my er ma...
had jap food for it(nthing special for the food)...

after which took bus home...
is soo stupid to take bus 67 home man...imagine from choa chu kang how far is it ...so ya journey was damn long....juz becoz wanna to sit n slp that y choose to take bus...
the bus 67 took me almost 2hr for me to reach PAYA LEBAR juz paya lebar n not bedok...
so ya after which gt to take another direct bus in order to reach home...
after reaching home was alrdy 5+....was damn funny i told my ma 我不行了我要睡觉了byebye...
after telling her that went to slp BUT my ma keep toking to me till i tell her 不行了我要睡觉等一下再讲...
YEAH!!! finally slp liaoooo...slp damn long like from 5+ to 8+pm...
wake up had my late dinner...then watch TV....

after that SLP AGN at 11+....and wake up at 3+am....
went to bath due tot he stupid hot weather...
afer which watch the ghost show till 5am...
then SLP AGN....n wake up at 2+pm...
SO other than wrking for that few hours, was slping for the whole day (HAHA pig)...

ate at; 10:16 AM

♥ Monday, April 27, 2009

First day of sch...OMGoodness was damn suay on that day...
was damn anti HAHA due to the new facessss haha chao bu xi guan de.....
1st dunno wad happen to the crazy laptop...
Cannot connect to internet and VPN
2nd cannot install the stupid software for that microcontroller system module (WTH is this module abt)...
took damn long to install la in the end is all becoz of the internet...w/o internet cannot be install *WTH*
so was trying doing alots of things to conncet to the internet BUT still cannot...
so no choice but to go IT-help desk for HELP during the first break!!!
Went there the person say help me change the password ended up still cannot connect to the VPN (stupid sch system :@)
so was ask to go to to troubleshooting counter -.-"...
went there n the guy look like boy boy (so young) k that's not the main point...
the main point is he took up DAMN LONG to solve the problem CAN!!!
after dunno hw long he then sae is my firewall n antivirus software is blocking the sch connection (WHAT?!)..
fine then he go unistall everything n ask me not to install any firewall or antivirus software if not the same thing will happen (wa lao wad kind of sch is this man)...
FINALLY everything was done n it took abt 1hr to do it...
went back to class damn malu
can...lesson start n me went in halfway woth those unfamiliar faces...
conclusion the whole day was DAMN PISSED OFFFFF!!!!! due to the stupid lappy n MODULE!!!


was having Analogue Electronics which is like physic...
OMG gt to learn physics agn BUT lucky is physic not chem is not die earlier HAHA!!!
was learning series n paraller circuit (i think) lucky didnt forget everything HAHA...
it was much better than first day...was in a group with all chinese n 1 indian HAHA!!!
finally can tok in chinese liao was DAMN HAPPY de haha...
didnt anti that much still tok quite alot leh ahah (chao qi ji de 2nd day jiu like that liao haha)...
HAHA i think what make me not to be emo is the teammates ba HAHa coz they really tok alot n some are damn funny ahha...
nthing much happened actually...
only thing is the faci is my module chair (what the!!! so lucky can!!!)
once I hear that she's my module was damn shock n the impression of her change 100% immediately haha...
Actually she not bad la haha...still joke with us ahha...

NO SCH!!!!damn SHIOK...
stay at home do nthing WAHAHAHA!!!!
actually this off day is for us to complete our PP-- Professional Profiling n also our CE points...
didnt really doing my PP as really dunno wad to do for it haha....
But really gt to think as soon as possible if not OMG die liao...

was late for sch HAHA...like what arh?! third day of sch jiu late haha...
but really not my fault like haha is the damn heavy traffic at the highway leh ahah...
aiya suan le blame the highway oso not use late means late deduct 0.5 loh.....
was having Digital Electronics lesson...this lesson arh really arh make u see lots of numbers...
make u blurr like wad man haha...
but lucky still able to know if not the rest of the lesson gonna die man ahaha...
the new group i'm in oso damn cool haha...all chinese except 1 indian guy...
haha tok chinese throughout the whole lesson...damn SHIOK arh ahha...
this chinese guy beside me was in the same grp as me on tue LUCKY arh gt someone i know...HENG MAN HAHA...
can conclude this guy arh really can tok or shld sae crap alot man...was toking non-stop since the lesson start...
lucky he tok that much if not i think i gonna anti agn MUAHAHHA...
conclusion of the day...was not anti anymore le ahah..
first time man ...normally need damn freaking long for me to back to original me haha...
maybe the system inside my body or wire on that day corrupted ahaha...

was actually late for class for abt 10mins BUT lucky faci was kind enough mark me present haha....
Having Circuit Analysis lesson...is actually almost the same as tue lesson...
is all AGN about physics....
studying the same thing...learning hw to find current, resistance all that stuff....
Group--- erm...was still ok BUT hor still anti abit haha (come on that's my style man HAHA)...
1indian n 1 malay onli 1 chinese HAIZ sianzz...
k nvm onli 1 chinese so wad man haha....ok de haha (hu say)
Class was actually damn noisy n high dunno y...
is like WA onli the fourth day of sch can be so high le arh STEADY sia (onli happen in this yr class)...
gt this 2 indian was playing chair fight HAHA (abit childish)...
then the same 2 indian guys give nicknames to each other....gt 1 was being call gurmit HAHA the other was being called teddy bear haha....
Faci---was quite eeyer but was still good overall...
eeyer part is during prsentation she like to use mahjong paper instead of powerpoint...
the other part damn scary suddenly throw ques to u n ask u ans in the spot...
So i'm was the unlucky ones...
was ask to show all that working n draw out the diagram(OMG) on the board...
so ya after drawing n explaning the ans n was going to proceed to part 2 she stop me and draw another resistor (i think) on the diagram and ask wad will be the total resistance for it...
WA was damn lucky I did it before and KNOW how to do it if not WOW gonna cool bi de si le HAHA!!!

to be continued>>>>

ate at; 12:41 AM

♥ Wednesday, April 8, 2009

WAHOOO.....juz had dinner wif angel n xn @TCC (woooooo)...
haha erm...k dunno wad to write HAHA!!!

Some pictures of wad we ate n drank HAHA!!!
HAHA ps all the names either too long or too chim so ya....juz look at ti can liao MUAHAHA!!!
unless xinni write down MUAHAHAHA *evil laugh*

(this is wad xinni ate dunno
wad mushroom :D....)

(angeline ate this which gt the
vegetable taste MUAHAHA)

(HOHO ME ate this!!!
seriously I think this is the best
spaghetti that I ever had)

(The chilli beef soup -shld be ba)

(ang-go-li---dunno wad
peach thingy wan HAHA!!!)

dunno wad mint latte or

(xinni--cant rmb wad's that)

ate at; 1:17 AM

♥ Thursday, April 2, 2009

party gals之道姐妹为你撑腰

boom yeah boom let's get this party crazy


boom yeah boom let's get this party be there


boom yeah boom let's get this party crazy


boom yeah boom let's be the party gals





wa~oh~看他回眸一笑 wa~oh~yeah~

woowoowoo 怎麽会你又中招


where's buddy? where's music?

it's the party? now~~~~~~

party gals之道姐妹为你撑腰
boom yeah boom let's get this party crazy
boom yeah boom let's get this party be there
boom yeah boom let's get this party crazy
boom yeah boom let's be the party gals


有顽固 in态度豪气千万无数



wa~oh~看他回眸一笑 wa~oh~yeah~
woowoowoo 怎麽会你又中招
where's buddy? where's music?
it's the party? now~~~~~~


boom yeah boom let's get this party crazy


boom yeah boom let's get this party be there!baby!


boom yeah boom let's get this party crazy


boom yeah boom let's be the party gals

party gals之道姐妹为你撑腰

boom yeah boom let's get this party crazy


boom yeah boom let's get this party be there


boom yeah boom let's get this party crazy


boom yeah boom let's be the party gals

ate at; 4:23 PM









ate at; 2:31 AM