♥ Sunday, March 29, 2009


HAHA!!! damn qi ji that I actually went to watch his concert :D...
As intially didnt intend watch it due to some reason....
Was really happy that I saw this particular email few days ago...
It was actually a special offer or wadever for the members...
Was damn excited when I first saw it n faster went to ask angeline abt it haha...
She was damn steady pun peepee...n say that she wanna go...
So hao bu you yu de we faster online book the tickets...
After booking on that day, I kept checking my email to check whether gt the thingy anot ahah....
Finally on thurs receive the email...whoo *jump jump*
Damn excited agn dunno y then on that day faster went down to the sistic outlet too collect the tickets haha....

YEAH IS SAT!!!! his concert haha...
I told angeline to buy kinder joy so tha twe will be able to eat it during the concert haha...
But in the end we didnt eat it as it was to busying watching n recording HAHA!!!
But we manage to see our surprise toy as we open it up before the start of the concert haha...
It was a damn long concert...was about 3+hrs...
Sit till buttock pain, everywhere pain...
Can really sae that his singing was OMG steady haha...
Is juz like playing the CD haha (erm...think gt abit kuang zhang BUT come on is true :P)


There is 1 part where by JJ+BY2 sang 只对你有感觉...
WOW the male part is better than fei lun hai (OMG SO BAD)...
But hey come is real....aiya cannot say that fei lun hai sing not nice...
Is that they both个有个的特色...So couldnt say that hu n hu is better...

Another part is where his family林氏家族 pa, ma, kor n himself perform a 中国风song...
His ma played the pipa, his pa played the erhu n his kor played the piano n last but not least JJ the vocalist...
It was the most感人part ba (I think)...as he cried when he was wif his pa haha男人眼泪哦...

The other part is whereby he was imitating various singer...张学友, 刘德华, MICHEAL JACKSON....

Another part is whereby he got this surprise for the fans...n was veri limited nia....
He told everyone that there is a surprise for everyone however was limited as he only have limited time to do it (oh so sad)...
So ya he we will ask to look below our seat as the surprise is under the seat...So angel n I look look here look*2 there oso dun have (haiz sadddd arh)...
But wow there is this guy ard us is damn lucky can HE GOT THE ENVELOPE...
OMG lucky he is man...
The moment he got it he had a duper blurr cum OMG expression on his face HAHA!!!
Then gt this gal in front tell his friend can I juz buy from him??
So when he was opening the envelope, the ppl ard all stare at the envelope include me HAHA!!!!
So yup is was a photo or wad with his signature on the back n a few lines of words *OMG*....

ate at; 3:24 AM

♥ Friday, March 27, 2009

Can character be change???
Will one be able to change???
Will one realise that his/her character will resulted him/her to lost something important???
Will one realise that he/she has offend someone???
Why people will always want to be the main lead???
Why there are different lvl of ppl???
Shouldn't all be the same???
Why there are lots of different character???
Shouldn't be the same so that there will be no gaps between ppl???
Should everyone be the same regardless of status???
Should everyone be treated equally???
Izzit becoz of their character???
Or is it becoz of the environment they live in???
Does everyone think he/she excel in everything???

If YES, then we ppl can be change regardless of wad...
If NO, then we ppl gt to face inequalilty and all sort of disguisting things...

ate at; 2:07 AM

I WANT TO EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



ate at; 1:50 AM

♥ Friday, March 20, 2009

Feel old for the past 3 days

Have been working for the past 3 days onli at greenridge primary....at a super duper far place which is at segar (around bukit panjang)...
need almost 2hr+ to reach this wulu place...the place is like 山上 like that so wulu lar...

For the 1st 2days which is mon n tue start work at 9am-4pm...so gt to wake up ard 5.30am in order to get ready by 6+ n roll out of the hus at 7am in order to reach there on time...so kuang zhang la start at 9 wgt to wake up at 5.30...BUT lucky the 3rd day wrk at 1pm-4pm (heng arh can slp more n wake up later)....

First day nthing much happen reach there go to their IT lab then teach teach till 12pm go for lunch...however didnt manage to end the lesson at 12pm...so in the end delay till ard 12.20+pm...so my my ma, the other teacher n I faster walk to the nearest Kopitam to had our lunch...while jumping out of the sch gate saw mao hui (the other helper) so we all 4 went to eat eat eat...thought that I will be able to have a properly lunch BUT 哪里知道 no time liao so juz manage to grab 2 包to eat (饿死了gt to wait till 4 then can eat haiz)...so after eating we all ran like siao ppl like that back to the sch (*phew* finally)...so agn teach the same thing...

Second day is the most JIALAT n SUAI day....First RAIN damn heavy, secondly alight at the wrong station...heard wrongly tot is segar but is actually sejar (both sound n look alike la can~)...so no choice go take cab there coz gg to be late liao plus was raining like hell...in the end waited for dunno hw log freaking long can then gt cab...worst thing late liao the driver still dunno where the sch is (WTH taxi driver dunno the place zzZ...or maybe izzit the sch was located at a super WULU place??)....
Finally reach the wulu sch liao *FINALLY*...reach there with the whole body wet...hair wet like juz come out from the bathroom...lower part of the jeans wet liao hell which make it so heavy....plus didnt realise the shoe gt hole which allow the water to go in n make both my shoe n socks wet (OMG cannot TAHAN the feeling *wet wET WET*)...
So bring the kids up to the IT lab which is lvl4 (wa sehz sch build so high for wad 3 storey is enough lor)...

LESSON *YEAH*....time to go home *FINALLY*...so my ma n I when to find the other teacher to see whether they r ready to GO home....so waited for quite awhile after they finsih all the stuff...so ya the other teacher offer to lobang us to REDHILL as she taking cab (which is much nearer to bedok haha)...so yar four of us (my ma, mao hui, teacher n ME)....
so yar when the driver was driving half way I wanted vomit liao la (stupid driver really dunno hw to drive...drive fast plus no aircon plus the heat from e sunnnnnn)....wa really cannot tahan already gg to vomit out liao then me trying to stop the vomit to come out I keep putting my hand on my mouth to prevent it (weird coz no use haha)...the feeling is super disgusting when it reaches the max to vomit, u will feel that u wanna go toilet LS...so imagine gt 2 control up n down 多辛苦...so the moment I really cannot tahan, gg to vomit it out I called my ma *MIIIIII*...the moment she saw me she faster pass me a sweet without me saying anthing...the funny part is that my intention of calling her is to ask her gt plastic bag anot BUT she gave me a sweet instead...HAHA!!! then the mao hui funny sia keep saying reaching soon le reaching soon le dun vomit out hor (aiya cannot control leh)...
OMG FINALLY REACH REDHILL...二话不说faster jump of of the stupid taxi...
After the taxi trip to rehill, I gt the phobia of taking cab n redhill...

Third day is the most sinlang day...start wrk late wake up late haha!!! so ya lesson same gt to climb up all the way to lvl4....the students on this day r quite fast arh....finsih almost everything within 2hrs which actually gt 3hrs for them to finish it....when the lesson alomost ending, I gt to run here n there to help the other teacher to save the student things...so yup finally finish helping the teachers to save the thingy...went back n clear up al the stuff...gt this 3 particular students quite funny...gt 1 ask me gt email so ya give it to her since no harm haha..the other 1 during thelesson keeping calling me for not purpose n most jialat kana dunno hw many student attack pull here n there n gt this gal still put my shirt (for wad sehz haiz poor thing me)... lucky my ma suddenly ask me to do sthing 才好不容易逃过一节 *PHEW*...
then the other 1 my ma dunno suddenly bring her to me n sae 那你要找的老师来了,你要问他什么?...ding dong la suddenly ask this...so the in the end the students too shy liao didnt sae anything jiu go off le haha...wonder wad she wanna ask???

So basically teaching pri2 n 3 kids quite fun BUT they can be quite loso oso haha....n realise some of them look super mature, doesnt look like thier age lorrrr....

ate at; 3:59 AM

♥ Wednesday, March 11, 2009

HAHA!!! after so long finally dream agn.... this time round the male lead is JJ agn MUAHAHAHA....dun ask me y I keep dreaming of him but is juz that whenever I dream he will appear haha...this time round the dream look so real la hahaha...still tot really happen in real life haha...but ya is juz a dream :(...
So the dream took place at my hus agn....
erm...firstly we will at dunno where then i was juz standing in front of him dunno y)...
then suddenly the place change...n it was in my room haha (weird always room wan zsd)....
so ya he came n then we will standing at the window there chatting haha (qi ji) n he was looking outside the window (dunno gt wad hao kan de dong xi)...
then so random me suddenly tell him that my bro bdae same as him...then he so shock n sae REALLY!!!... then me say yayaya haha....
this dream was abit weird as it was like fast forward for alot of days....
so after he heard that he so funny...he quickly 把his jacket 给脱了...n pass it to me haha (WOW his jacket leh OMG~)nnn say give it to my bro haha (piangz shld have sae is my bdae haha)...
but I didnt take his jacket la of course...HAHA I say oh no nd la no nd la...then he keep saying aiya take it ba I oso dunno wad to give it to ur bro haha...
then I keep saying dun wan la...so in the end he take the jacket back....nnn he dunno y walk to the door n some sort of hide behind the door n do sthing secretly haha...
so me being so KPO qiao qiao de walk over there n peek on it...
haha guess wad I saw...I saw him taking out a hongbao from his blackie wallet n the hongbao was being folded into half :D...
After putting the $$ all that he went to slp on my bed...but before he slp I still ask him help me 签名MUAHAHA!!! dunno y suddenly so brave dare to ask签名from him :P....after that he jiu slp like pig liao....
HOHO evil e go wake him up n sae: EH你不是说要帮我签名的吗?...haha then he super blurr n say HUH orh 签名啊...after which he wake up n help me签haha!!!
Before asking him to help me签I already想好好wanna use which marker to sign haha...
BUT哪里知道when he ask for marker n I go try the marker that intend to let him use wan...NO INK!!!!!..
urgh so force to find the other marker BUT dunno y all the marker suddenly disappear...
after finding it for so long FINALLY found 1 green marker (OMG UGLY) n give it to him to sign...haha bbut before that while I was finding the marker he go took out all his album (suddenly gt all his album haha weird ) which I have no idea that hw he noe where I put it...
after signing he sae put it aside first not yet dry haha...haha I was looking at the wad he was writing as he wrote alot of things which I cant see properly haha....while looking almost wanna cry haiz the colour so ugly dun match the album la...pls green marker hw can match haizzzzz....
Finally dream was over as I was kana wake up by my ma agn haiz.....if not can dream more haha n can see wad he wasa writing on the album :P............

ate at; 3:21 AM

♥ Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Had a super duper Horrible cum Terrifying cum Fabulous Day!!!!

Alright 2dae kana wake up by my ma kung fu leg (so bad of her haizzzz) early in the afternoon :P (was slping so soundly la + the weather is OMG good leh~)...wake me up juz to ask me go with her... go where??? ITE east....so bo bian 被她叫醒了就faster rush to the toilet do all those stuff(tired la)...

So the purpose of gg ITE eat is to acccompany my pri sch friends cum ex neighbour to register n buy all those 有的没的...reach there like 1.45 then finish doing all those stuff already like 4+ (OMG DUPER long) plus haven had my breakfast n lunch feel like dying at that point of time :C...so the moment i saw the canteen i was like telling my ma can go eat le ma要饿死我了!!!
n FINALLY she oso hungry liao so went there to had late lunch or perharps can consider as early dinner ba haha...

YES!!! finally can eat liao... so had teriyaki salmon (HOHO salmon~) for my early dinner :D...other than salmon my ma still ordered the fried wanton (oh quite nice leh haha)...then my ex neighbour buy the chicken chunks, cheeze tofu, fired dumpling n jap tofu (forgt wad's that call...OMG all fried food...fei si le...) haha but hu care man super duper hungry cannot think tat much liao haha jiu eat eAT EAT MUAHAHAHA!!!!

Here comes the OMG scary thing....while I was eating my veri last piece chicken chunk...suddenly (really out of suddenly) this jap guy in front of the table that we will sitting ask me要剪头发吗?(ding dong~) -.-"wth wad a good ques u have asked...at that moment I was freaking shock n u noe wad the chicken chunk was still stuck halfway in my mouth for at least 1 min HAHA!!! so that guy keep asking wanna cut anot I was like HUH can dun wan (obviously I didnt reply him anything haha evil me)...so my ma was like asking him lots of funny ques like 你zai的吗n others in mixture of hokkien n chinese....so he keep saying he super duper steady wan n sae if really not nice next time give me a free hair colouring (-.-" dun intend to get my hair coloured lor~)..SO ended up I was super brave let him cut cut my hair of coz 心里还是怕怕的(hair leh u tot wad...if cut like shet really arh can still at home at least 1 mth n arh plus their sch reputation sure被我拆下来wan MUAHAHA!!!...

During the cut cut process I keep looking at him scare that he accidentally 剪坏at least I still gt the time to shout STOP!!!!!( I think so~)...the whole process was like quite long laaaa abt an hour....as he have to ask the teacher to check , ke yi le cai can proceed to the next step...n OMG the teacher super strict la...juz like 1 mm long oso cannot....after seeing the teacher so strict 我也就放心了...haha the guy so funny keep saying (like ah pek)不用怕的有老师在....你看老师这么严你可以放心了吧...(do I look tat scare???)...hoho不小心让我看到he cut his finger LOL...dunno izzit he too ji zhang or wad accidentally his hand poke my eyes -.-" n keep saying sorry sorry hahaha还真难的haha....
that guy oso quite evil say my hair super duper thick (haha I noe needless to say can feel it haha) n say OMG cut so long le still so thick...
OH MAN finally finish cutting liao waited for dunno hw long wait till back dou pain liao haha...before gg off he help me style my hair n funny arh teach me hw to style it (gt so many steps ZSD...)after which he sent me back to my ma there but in the meanwhile he super bhb say 你看你的头发薄很多了现在看起来厚but里面是薄的不像刚才厚到连touch的时候都厚厚的头发 (ZSD the last sentence shldnt have say it haha) Lucky he cut de hai mian hao kan de ....lucky arh if not he gg to....................
Oh before gg hom hai kan dao mei ting (so qiao)...so we hi hi here n there hahaa!!!

eh forgt wad i wanna say liao zsd...

OMG freaking long.....like writing wad sia zsd...

ate at; 1:30 AM