♥ Thursday, January 29, 2009

ate at; 1:43 AM

♥ Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The surpurise gift for christina (bahu)

ate at; 5:09 PM

♥ Tuesday, January 20, 2009

WOohoo sun went present shopping for christina and xn with angeline at suntec...must say that it is really a super"难忘"的经验...
seriously is a super tiring shopping...we reach suntec 3+ and end shopping at almost 9...
have been shop non-stop for almost 6hrs without letting our "beautiful" leg and butt to rest (oh so poor thing)...Really is the 1st time shop for so long till 我的脚不像我的脚liao...
thought that we could manage to settle all the present at city hall哪里知道dun have leh..haizzz..

describe super detailed where we went for that particular day...
suntec -> marina square -> suntec -> raffles link -> bugis...

Alright first we took bus to suntec then thought that the shop that we intended to go is at there but哪里知道 after looking at the directory is not at there is at other place...so angel called her aunty to ask her where is it...so after clarifing with her aunty, the shop is actually located at Marina Square...then we proceed all the way to marina square...

When we reach Marina Square angeline was told that the shop is at 2nd lvl...then hor that angeline damn cute la thought the lvl we are at is 1st floor so when she saw the escalator, we juz took the escalator up which is lvl 3...after taking the escalator, we realise that we are at the 3rd floor so we go find escalator agn to go lvl 2...(angeline arh angeline make me走冤枉路arh zsd HAHA JK)...partly also my fault la didnt see properly which lvl we are at...when we were at lvl 2 we start searching for the shop agn...after searching for dunno hw long we finally found the shop le YEAH!!!! thought everything will settle very fast at that shop...haiz哪里知道we couldn't find the things that we want :(...so have to search AGN...we really took freaking long to find C present...we still went in and out of the shop to see whether there is other shop that have a better choice for it...in the end we still went back to this shop to buy that present...

After purchasing C present we went to search for xn present :D...HAHA this one also took quite long to settle as中途gt quite a number of things to worried of haha...shop at marina sq to see whether gt anot but in the end dun have...then angel was hungry so went to buy something to eat first...she bought the pancake whereas for me I bought the A1 curry puff (OMG super nice HAHA!!!)...after buying our "food" we continue searching agn haha...after dunno hw long we call christina for HELP!!! She suggested to buy this brand that brand for the *******...however after suggesting some many brands, we decided not to buy that due to DPDP HAHA!!!
after shopping for so long there is nothing much left for us to shop at M.Q...so we went back to suntec and C suggested to go raffles link as there is a shop gt sell lots of stuff that we intend to buy...

when we reach raffles link we found that shop super fast so we went in look*2 her look*2 there but couldn't find the things that we want...so we went others shop to continue searching...before continue hunting for the present, we went to the Adidas shop to relieve abit haha...after Adidas we was looking up and see...and the thing that comes to our mind is to change location as nothing much to shop here also...so we decided to go bugis to hunt for it and we walk all the way to bugis (omg already super tired liao still walk hahah crazy ppl)...

When we reach Bugis, we immediately went to this shop without wasting any more time to search for the present that we initially tot of buying...woohoo lucky we could find it if not OMG dunno what will happen HAHA!!!...

To be continued tmr...

ate at; 12:57 AM

♥ Sunday, January 18, 2009

haiz 2dae is a super unlucky day (consider ba haha)
firstly early in them morning kana wake up by my bro and ma at around 9+ as we have to go bai my grandfather, great grandfather and erm forgt call wad liao...
my that irritating bro damn freaking irritating...he went into the room and drag me out all the way to my living room...the distance between my room and living wasn't that far but still consider far leh haha...but in end I still went back to slpp haha too tired liao...

at around 11+ kana wake up by my father AGN...keep calling me to wake upp then go bai my ah gong they all... so no choice but to wake upppp...if not he will wake me up agn...
wake up go eat bread then bath then go geylang there the wad 黄氏--...
when I reach there they already packing to go my aunty hus for early reunion dinner (as usual every year will do the same thing)...

reach there help to unpack all those food stuff then had lunch after that...after lunch was freaking full then walk around to 消化haha...then went to my aunty "office" room to look look here and there...after that my cousin n I was super tired so we decided to take a small nap...

before slping sthing really terrible happened...
事情是这样的...my coinwas falling out of my pocket so 自然reaction is to put back the coin into my pocket...哪里知道when my hands was almost in my pocket it gt stuck there n my nails was was being bend backwards and almost can't bend back...at that moment my nails was freaking pain and I tried to bend it back...lucky it bend back with the white white lines on it (the 痕迹of the bend)...after a few mins it start to bleed but there is no way for me to wipe it off...最后the nail gt the yu xue on it (omg so ugly)....

ate at; 2:05 AM

♥ Friday, January 16, 2009

wooHOO 2dae lesson cool bi le haha...As we dun have to do ppt (YES!!!), however we have to do it on the mahjong instead (OH NO 惨了)....cool this time round we didnt present our mahjong paper in class but we do it at a open space around W3 outside library north? south? east? west? (not sure is either 1 haha)...

everyone wasn't doing presentation as we will fooling around haha and many funny things happen MUAHAHAHA...
our team was the first to present OMG 紧张爆了haha as many ppl will be walking past there and seeing doing the presentation...lucky when we will presenting no much ppl walking about haha (LUCKY!!!)

Pictures time

(Devi & Nicholas was "quarreling" haha)

(Slackers....is this hw slackers sit??)

(HAHA this cute brown bear is actually a bag...COOL rite haha)
(haha the person behind is our cognitive faci
haha he damn funny and he so 配合HAHA!!!)

After class we had a SLACKING session :D...we went to the library to play Xbox360 & Wii...
haha fun fuN FUN...we played Xbox360 first as Wii was currently unavailable at that moment...was playing Need for Speed with ashar and nichoals...wow they pro la zsd 害me always lose haiz...haha nvm is juz a game man haha...

woohoo after waiting for quite long Wii is finally available liao haha...haha and at that time the room is OURS W16R haha...the whole room was filled with laughter haha and was so loud that even outside can hear us screaming and shouting damn clearly HAHA...
Pictures agn

(Need for Speed)

(Wii -- Tennis)

(faci and angeline was playing?? forgt wad game liao haha)

(was playing the boxing game)

(*AHHH dun hit me* haha)

ate at; 1:18 AM

♥ Thursday, January 15, 2009

Woohoo 2dae we ordered pizza as a form of farewell party for our sci faci...as 2dae is his last day and last time teaching us due to his job, he had to go Switzerland to work (omg shiok sia)...and almost everyone are wearing black to sch to take class photo haha...

btw our sci faci is actually an aerospace engineers...is super cool to be an aerospace engineers as you will have lot of chance to fly all around the country (cool bi le)...haiz should have choose aerospace engineering haha....

Finally Pictures is coming
(class photo :D )

(being edited by gugu...anyone1 can spot the
difference between this 2 pic MUAHAHAHA)

(haha that's our pizza
"distributor" for that day Mr.Shorty)

(juz realise that person taking the pizza is ME!!! OMG)

(let's eat money!!! hahahA)

(guai students are listening to
the faci speech and eating pizza at the same time)



(OMG double cool-ness)

ate at; 12:16 AM

♥ Saturday, January 10, 2009

haizz nothing to do now sianzzzzz.....
Since nothing to do jiu up update for this poor thing blog haha...
Was super freaking tired since school reopen and hor everyday confirm guarantee plus chop sure sleep during break and on my way home...
Urgh feel so bad everyday didn't help to do the ppt and just let the rest do...

Today (nothing much happened)
2dae enterprise was actually late for class as I reach at around 9.30+ (steady arh yilin lesson start at 9, 9.30+ then reach class) however I was not mark late haha...I was like randomly tell faci don't mark me late wan haha 哪里知道she really didn't mark me late haha *COOL*...
haha faci u are just too nice liao :D but I like it MUAHAHAHA…

2dae problem is MIND YOUR ACT!!! is about what cooperate social responsibilities (CSR), caring consumer all that stuff…
So as usual I was freaking tired and take a short nap (erm…don’t think is short haha)…slp around 1 or 2+ and wake up at 3.17…by the time I wake up, the second team is presenting liao MUAHAHA…
Lesson end as usual 4+ after which went home and slp in the bus (AGN slp)

Alright yesterday was cognitive and was having fun haha…As we do not need to do presentation haha…instead of presenting it to the class, we present it to our team members’ haha…
As usual was tired AGN and take a short nap during break 2…slept around 12+ and wake up around 2.40+

During 3rd meeting we present it to our team members for just a few minutes and after which is 6p haha…After 6p is GAME TIME…
We proceed to W16N to have our game there haha…
The name of the game is I don’t know :D…
The rule of the game is that we have to step on every number, min 1 leg and max 2…

It was a super difficult game la…as we have to balance ourself and make sure that the people behind is following, if not we have to start everything all over again...
We spend hours to complete the entire game…as we will asked to restart all over again and again due to lots of reason…

Finally we completed the entire game around 5 and we took about 1 hr 22mins to complete it…the numbers cards keep dropping out during the game and it the end the place was super messy. We tried lots of method to complete the game and at the end we use Brenda’s method as it is workable.
After the game, faci ask what we actually discover during the games and all other stuff.
After which we help to clear the place and went home with gugu and devi…
AGN on my way home I sleep AGN AGN AGN…

Some pics below that are taken during the game…

(faci was explaining the rules)

(the numbers card)

(this is how the games look like)

ate at; 1:36 AM

♥ Friday, January 9, 2009

OH YEAH!!! LEFT 15more days jiu HOLIDAY le MUAHAHAHAHA...
so 迫不及待holiday is next week haha...

ate at; 12:34 AM

♥ Wednesday, January 7, 2009

urghh yest the mang-ga-la come my hus paint the door (urgh y must paint)...
the stupid smell OMG strong la (jialat)...n me gt this 鼻子敏感which make me sneeze like every whenever I'm at home....every morning wake up jiu have to suffer this stupid thing (urgh气死了)...

urgh every second AH CHOOO dunno hw many times...
ah ah AH CHOOOOOO~~~~~~
urgh辛苦死了type 1 letter sneeze 1time *lalalala*

URGHHHHHHH....救命啊!!! Cannot tahan...

ate at; 12:57 AM

♥ Monday, January 5, 2009

URGHHHHH sch start le....




ate at; 10:10 AM

♥ Sunday, January 4, 2009

URGH 闷死了...plus the weather is so warm now...
Finally found sthing for me to do...*dangrang* quizzz muahahaha

The Cute Monster Test

Your Cute Monster Says Your Inner Demon is Frailty

You are a simply happy person.
You still view the world with a childlike innocence.
You have an easy going attitude, and you value harmony.
You love freely and inspire others to love.
You are easily beaten down by life.
People think you're cute because you are optimistic.
Your outlook on life is charming.

ate at; 3:16 AM