♥ Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 is ending in 1hr40mis...
FINALLY survived YEAHH!!!!!
HAHA countdown countdownnnn...waiting for the clock to reach 10.30....WOOOOOO

GOODBYE 2008 & WELCOME 2009 :D

ate at; 10:18 PM

♥ Monday, December 29, 2008

OMG I accidentally killed the mosquito with my hands with the blood all over my fingers(EEEYER have to go dip my hand into DETTOL)...

serve you rite who ask u bite me :P...bite until my leg super itchy now @#$%^&...



ate at; 7:23 PM

COOL BI LE hahaha...finally dream agn n this time round the dream is OMG COOL BI LE haha...dream of JJ for the consecutive 2days haha...Also is the first time I remember a dream so clearly haha...

yest nite oso dream of him muahahaha...the dream was freaking funny as in the dream I was trying to be an evil person haha...trying to hide JJ n not allowing trish to see him hahah:D (OH NO trish dont kill me is juz a dream haha)....

woohooo let me recall wad happened...*ding ding ding*

Place: combination of trish & my hus

Cast: JJ, me, angel, trish, trish sis, trish bro(imaginary wan), trish ma, dad and 2 more person dunno hu...


It happened a few hours ago, straight away the scene is at a combination of me n trish hus.

I was actually wasn't slping (假睡) then with a very blurish mind I saw trish sis n her imaginary bro (haha so funny) after which her bro go drag their dad n force their to take out the CHEEZE that bought then day before...after that all of them went out except for trish who are still slping Zzz...

Here comes the main lead JJ :D...he came in and angel, me n the 2 unknown ppl start chatting...after chatting for quite long I pluck up my courage n ask for his signature n at that point of time only left me n him n the rest suddenly disappeared(OMG is that me?? haha)...after that I super random I ask if he can help me sign on the back of my hp anot :D and I show him my hp and he sae: erm 应该是可以你拿一个布给我,我帮你抹一下(OMG haha)...after which I faster go find a cloth for him haha...

Next trish wake up le (oh my FINALLY haha)...when she wake up she run all the way to the toilet (for wad??)...(woohoo the evil YILIN is here haha)...I'm so evil 为了不然她看JJ, I ask JJ to hide somewhere else n he use the BIG blanket to cover himself up n i throw him a small blanket to him to cover his head haha 大头(btw at that time we all will on the bed that's y the blanket is here haha)...after which I was looking trish to see where she going(探军情)n she shout at me n sae 变态arh keep looking at me...n guess wad I tell her...I sae: 我没有啊!我只是要拿tissue而已haha...

So after she went to the toilet, she came in MY room with MY cordless phone and she was looking around the room n suddenly sae 那个味道很熟悉...为了不让她怀疑I sae is my new perfume smell haha (OMG I'm so evil)...after which she went out of the room *phew* (woohoo finally)...

JJ was super evil too after trish went out he was laughing like hell too haha...


Director: 在梦里的Yilin

ate at; 1:26 PM

♥ Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wooohoooo yest is a OMG day haha...is so freaking fun cant even walk properly haha...
had steamboat at bugis with angel, xn, cheston, eric, yc and cheston friendssss...
ate lots of things had the tom yam soup (erm...not veri spicy and sour enough 不够算,不够辣) but still okkk larrr hehe...oh that 馒头cum红字牛奶is damn nice sia is 恰到好处haha...

While eating dunno WTH happen to that stupid ERICCC (KNS ppl)...watever I sae he damn stupid sure gt something to suan me wan (EH did I offend u or wad sia )...差一点PMO zsd...not easy to PMO wan ok~~..the person that can PMO consider too KNS or irritaing ppl liao...

After eating angel n I was rushing to some particular place that cannot be sae out thruuu here haha...ended up all of them cant find us haha...realise sthing we both will always seperated from the rest of them haha (dunno yyy haha maybe we too anti liao :D)...

HAHA no picc....

ate at; 11:42 PM

♥ Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Went to watch twilight at TM yest...erm....watching this movie was like want my life lyk that *URGH*...watching ang mo movie already like suffering liao somemore no subtitle haizzzz...angel and I was ike suffering like wad but stilll ok la manage to understand (not all :D)....

Afer movie went arcade to play BB machine as usual wad we will do whenever we at arcade haha...other then playing the BB machine we also play this throwing game which is to aim at targets shown on the big screen...haha was fun playing with it....woohoo after playing this 2 games I was perspiring like hell really like hell... haha another way of exercising haha...

ate at; 6:42 PM

♥ Saturday, December 20, 2008

woohooo yest went to watch Fei Lun Hai concert...
reach there quite early around 7 n the concert start at 8 so me and my cousin have to wait for like 1hr+ (Ahhh sianzz have to wait agn)...we wait n wait finally they start at 8.40 *FINALLY*...

ok well their concert still okok average nia haha (evil)...their singing ermm hai hao er yi got abit CMI like that haha...but luckily they gt the look haha (OMG I' m so evil haha but is true lorr :P )....

Finally ended at 11...after which went to take bus 11 back to kallang MRT...waited quite long for the bus in the end my cousin bf come and fetch us haha lucky they come n fetch us if not have to take cab (I think haha)...while waiting fo rmy cousin they all the bus came n sooo many ppl are trying to squeeze into the bus as it was the last bus already...me n my cousin was looking at those ppl trying to get a small little place for them to get into the bus (haha the situation was so funny)
From there we conclude that CHINA ppl really KNOW how to squeeze, CAN squeeze and ABLE to squeeze....

ate at; 11:30 PM

♥ Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yest wake up freaking early agn (urgh tired laa wake up that early for consecutive 2days)...planned to go trish hus to watch Chiwawa so went to call angel to confirm the time with her BUT she was still slping...so change target call trish after that haha she arh oso still slping (aiyo y every1 still slping)haha but mange to wake her up hehe...haha waking her up is so fun as her voice was OHNO haha...

Before heading to trish hus we went to the market to buy breakfast for it however it was change to lunch due to the time we went to buy haha....intially intend to have 豆浆油条as our breakfast BUT urgh 算了...after lunch watch chiwawa haha....well the movie is so boring that I keep falling aslp and trish keep waking me up (aiya juz let me slp laaa hahaa jk)...ended up dunno wad the movie is abt haha...

Afer which went safra to play pool haha....Woohoo finally had a chance to play pool agn!!!HAHA...
went to play pool with angel, xn, eric and cheston...
when we reach there the playing room was fully-packed so we had to wait for a table...Cheston gave up and we went over to the bowling area instead. Both guys started playing with the dart machine...haha eric was the one who dunno hw to play but ended up he won the game haha is kinda weird...

After that, we went back to check if there’s any available table...but the ans is no (oh no so poor thing have to wait agn)...So the guys decided to place their names on the waiting list, and got a table after a few minutes.

Playing pool is fun and can get addicted from it haha...although wasnt really noe hw to play but it still funn haha...ended up we played till almost 8.30+ and went TM to have our dinner...
Overall yest was a fun and enjoyable day haha...

ate at; 11:29 PM

♥ Friday, December 12, 2008

yoyo :D... having fun just nw man haha...
Went tm meet A.T.M to watch BOLT haha...alright when I reach tm A.T haven reach I think so not sure about it too haha coz they like suddenly pop up in the 2nd storey...anyway I reach there went to mcd and find a place for me to sit (Just being lazy to stand and wait) and suddenly angel call and ask me go up 2nd floor i was like huh go there for wad haha (this is wad first come to my mind)...while walking towards the escalator WOW 见鬼了when I 抬头一看saw them standing there and look at me haha...after which we went to buy movie tics...

Before the movie we went to the food court to settle our dinner and Michelle suddenly appear and shocked me haha...oh ya so we have a chop*2 fast*2 dinner and went into the cinemaaaa haha...so irritating waited for dunno hw long the movie cai start (zsd make me wait for so long haha)

After movie of course go home la arbo do what haha...so we seperate into 2 groups T.M go take train whereas me and angel go take bus...
chatted quite alot on the bus haha...the things we have chatted are so OMG funny haha...

Oh angeline so funny la want me to escort her home haha coz she scare of the变态hehe...aiya angeline no need to scare wan la他也是人只是比较"特别" "SPECIAL"一点而已haha...alright I didnt escort her home haha (wow evil) but me being such a kind and helpful person 怎么可能这样对她呢(OMG super bhb) I就took out my hp with my hands full of things and call her to entertain her so tat she wont keep thinking of the变态haha看我的人这么好:P...

OH YEAH!!!!!!! tmr last day of sch haha...COOL BI le...

ate at; 12:16 AM

♥ Thursday, December 11, 2008

Alright yest after school went causeway watch All about women 女人不坏 with christine and yh...hoho thought this movie will be a super boring wan haha but after watching it, it wasn't that bad leh hehe...The movie was quite interesting as it was quite funny haha...The people there keep laughing lyk wad like that not funny oso laugh funny oso laugh (abit siao siao wan they all haha)...

After watching当然是回家啦arbo do what sia haha...ehh nononono after watching we went to the washroom to relieve MUAHAHHAHA (eeyer so disgusting) then went to the carpark...OMG go carpark for wad??? do illegal things like smoking MUHAHAHA (SIAOI dont smoke lor the smell is so OMG and u will have bad breathe after smoking)...no la actually is they both are cold so they decided to go there to let the cold air goes off our body haha...After that of course go home do RJ la...

Erm 2dae go watch movie agn with erm trish, angel, michelle and maybe xn (provided if she can finish her project earlier anot haha)...OH MY next mon watch movie AGN....wa kao can going to broke liaooo woohoooo...

ate at; 2:02 PM

♥ Monday, December 8, 2008

erm actually now I should be resting haha but due to itch hand jiu on com for while lorr...haizzz urgh sian laaa having fever now (omg terrible) and juz vomited (eeyer super disgusting) wow cannot tahan the smell is so freaking eeyer *puke*...

haiz tmr UT will I be going to sch tmr?? I hope I will be going if not I think gonna fail this OMG module and have to retake this OMG module...and that will be double OMG OMGOSHHH....

ate at; 3:39 PM

♥ Sunday, December 7, 2008

wooohooo...this 2days dunno what happen 2 me man wake up so freaking early at 9+ haha...erm for me is early la coz I seldom wake up that early wan haha normally wake up in the noon wan muhahaha...haha maybe is tis few days slp quite early ba haha...

Yest intially plan to go out wif xn, angel and the guys but me being so that freaking lazy haha jiu didnt go out with them haha...URGH but abit regret laaa didnt go with them sia :(...they go play those things that I LIKE POOL and BB(urgh I wanna playyyy)...haizz nvm wait for our holiday to come and we go PLAY muhahaha...

OMG left 5 more days WOOOHOOOO....4 more days to schhh COOL....

ate at; 3:39 PM

♥ Friday, December 5, 2008

The Ultimate Color Test
When you are at peace, you are: Giving and unselfish
When you are moved to act, you are: Giving and warm
When you are inspired, you are: Spontaneous and adventurous
When your life is perfectly balanced, you are: Light hearted and funny
Your life's purpose is: To find contentment
Click Here for test
The Cupcake Test
What Your Cupcake Says About You
At parties, you tend to be a lot of fun.
You make everyone just a little bit happier.
You have a fair amount of restraint in your life, but you don't go overboard.
You let yourself enjoy life.
The most important thing in your life is passion.
You are dominant, vain, and a bit of a show off.
To know you is to worship you.
Click Here for test
What Kind of Soup Are You?
You Are Minestrone
You are a spontaneous person.
You don't make or follow rules.
You just go with your gut.
You're eager to go wherever life takes you.
If something doesn't work out, at least you've learned.
Nutrition and eating healthy is very important to you.
You eat your veggies.
That being said, you're not a picky eater. You like all foods.
Click Here For Test
muhahaha the last 4 sentence so 准laa hahaa
Are You Approachable?
You Are Very Approachable
You can talk to anyone, and it shows. People are eager to start conversations with you.You are open and friendly. You are willing to connect with almost anyone.While it's great to be approachable, there is such a thing as too approachable.Eventually someone will try to take advantage of you. Don't be afraid to say no or end an awkward conversation.
Click Here For Test
OMG the last sentence is so 准
Can You Spot a Liar?
You Can Definitely Spot a Liar
Maybe you have good instincts.
Or maybe you just have a lot of experience with liars.
Either way, it's pretty hard for someone to pull a fast one on you.
You're like a human lie detector.
Click Here For Test
muhahaha better dun liar to me I will know wan hahaha coz I'm a HUMAN LIE DETECTOR

ate at; 12:29 AM

♥ Thursday, December 4, 2008

erm...sian arh duno wad to blog...nthing much happen this few days....SIanZZZ...
oh 2dae the computing UT damn it laaa....wa kao keep calculating the wrong thing (wa piangz wth am I doing at that moment) urgh do until so frustrated in the end give up that ques coz time up liao faci keep rushing us to submit our ans :(...

OH MANZZZZZ HOLIDAY IS COMING MUHAHAHA...8 more daysss = 5 more days to schhh :D COOL...

omg tired liaoooo go slp liao haha (wa early leh) bye everybody gdnitezzz....haha before that let me sing a song...

holiday holiday holi holi day, holiday is coming I feel so happy...hey...

omg wad a lame song...

ate at; 11:25 PM

♥ Tuesday, December 2, 2008

haiz siannnn morning UT agn this time round is communication...There are like not alot of question but the some of the question so qian bian consist of part i, ii and iii which make the question so long laa cant they just give question 1, 2, 3 without the part i, ii, iii (OMG so many questions have to type so many things siann)...basically almost finish all the question BUT dun think the ans is correct muhahaha

haiz thur still gt UT and is the most OMG module Computing and Mathematical Methods II (can see codes flying here and there OMGoshh)...next tue UT agn and is the most eeyer module coz is Cognitive Processes II this module is the most OMG boring module laaaa...haizzz nvm just have to finish all the test jiu whooooo 3 weeks HOLIDAY muhahahha...finally holidays are comingg (COOL)...

erm still left OMG 11 more days which means I juz have to attend 8 more lessons wahaha cool coOL COOL...holiday holiday holidayyyy...

ate at; 10:17 PM

♥ Monday, December 1, 2008

HAha yest slp super early laa 10+ and wake up at 6 haha (early leh seldom happen to me wan leh hahha)...haha had my fav tuna bread for my breakfast (Whooooo cool tuna haha)...

UGRHHH HATE going to sch...morning on the way to sch kana squeeze agn (wth ppl out there can like stop squeezing me tired of it liao )....this time round 双面夹攻(so disgusting)...

That auntie on my left wow tokgong la the whole body almost fall on me and at that time was slping and was kana wake up by her due to her weightttt....this time round super cannt tahan i use my hand and push her back to her seat I thought she will wake 那里知道she didnt wake up leh (omg need to slp so soundly ma) So the same thing happen AGN...she keep falling and falling agn and I keep pushing her back to her seat but she didnt wake up (OS : OMG caN WAKE UP ANOT AUNTIE)....终于终于忍无可忍了I push her back so hardly and FINALLY she wake up le...I thought she will give me a very paisehz face哪里知道she go give me a 笑脸(WT* give me that kind of face)* smoke coming out from my head*....The other person my right cool la her treat me as her pillar or wad lyk that juz lead on me (whooo cool arhhh)...

Haiz pray later nthing will happen....*pray pray pray*

ate at; 1:12 PM