♥ Sunday, November 30, 2008

yest super boring siaa....go ETP wif my bro (urgh so weird)....reach there about 3plus then go queue for the stupid go kart...waited for so long almost 1hr lorrr juz for that kartttt (all thks to my bro arhhh)....after that go kart go queue for the super lamnn game which is the mini roller coaster...then go queue for the go kart agn...but this time round we played the other type of go kart (2person)...

For this 2person go kart the driver must be 18 n above in order to 载人...so the staff over there ask me hw old am I and I told her I'm 18 and she don't believe sia (wth my face dun look like 18 meh) and she continue asking me sure anot and ask which year I born in -.-"...when me n my bro was on the kart that person as the same question agn hw old r u and I was like huh wad agnn. This time round this staff is funny la ask other keep saying sure anot u 18 (my face look like blufffing u meh) and ask which yr i born in (urgh agn)...

In the end we play for that go kart for 5times (I think can't rmb too many times liao) coz nthing too play...but we still gt play others things like the ferry wheel (URGH more lame), hunted house (URGH super duper lameeee) and that yakult thingy...

The ferry wheel is really super duper lame la and the staff hor dunno wad they doing dun let us go down of that ferry thingy onli us lor...she let the person hu board later than us down first but not us (I WANT TO GET DOWN OF THAT STUPID THINGY)...we are the 3 to board the thingy and in then end the last person to get out of that thingy...the hunted housen more lamn laa but i liken itn coz is air conditioned (FINALLY gt airconnn)...

Can conclude that ETP is a damn lousy, damn lamn lorrr...the games over there can use fingers都可以count how many games they have...the onli game that is better is theirn go kart but still ermmmm hai hao...

ate at; 1:51 PM

♥ Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wow 2dae have this "uncle" voice...this "uncle" voice so "uncle" that I cannot singgg laaa once I sing 就破音(so terrible la)this feeling is not good at all haizzzz...

Btw 2dae after school went Vivo (urgh so far haha) to watch The Carrot Cake Conversation with christine and YH (as usual the 3 of us haha)...erm seriously the movie arh not very nice but still can watch la haha...gt 1 stupid part super stupid la scare me sia all becoz of adrian pang la accidentally knock onto the stupid luggage then the sound was like so loud that I kana 吓到 (zsd so malu ) and i was holding the popcorn man lucky the popcorn didn't drop if not super duper malu...can image u holding popcorn and kana 吓到the popcorn was "flying" la then christine saw it n keep laughing non-stop laaa (funny meh) haha is actually quite funny laa me myself oso laugh haha...after which went to the foodcourt to have our dinner and take bus home haha (finally home so tired 2dae dunno y haizzz)...

ate at; 12:32 AM

♥ Friday, November 21, 2008

URGH.....super sianzz la having computing 2dae..the codes are flying here and there...

OH shit sia...year 2 have to study physic again ARHHHHH.....got this module whereby have to study about Ohmz law, dc/parallel series circuits, ac series, dc series AGNN (so disgusting la)....

ate at; 3:01 PM

♥ Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What the hell this repalcement faci (chinaaa)...he think he teaching those kindergarden or primary school kid...still ask us so~ your presentation no pic (we was like WTH PICTURESSS)...then my friend azhar was like so fed-up then he repeat the slides and count the number of pictures we have in our PPT...we have 4 pictures lor can't he see that...

ate at; 4:19 PM

haiz met a stupid skinny bamboo guy agn make me unable to sit properly in the bus...haizz shall not elaborate further... tired of repeating the same thing agn n agn...jus wan to say that I'm so poor thing la everyday cannot好好的坐and slp la...everyday have to go for war 1st then can have peace...

Anyway juz nw having cognitive module is so freaking boring n chimmm laa...wad underdetemination (wth is this man haha)....when faci was going through the 6p i was soooo tired la then cannot tahan jiu accidentally fall aslp in front of him haha (wow super steady la he was juz standing beside me man haha)...when he finish = go home time my friend wake me up and say 鸡鸡起来了回家liao haha (so funny la she)...

ate at; 1:06 AM

♥ Monday, November 17, 2008

wa 2dae tokgong....wake up at 7.00am then rush like hell (first time wake up so late la)...faster go bath and go change...In the end walk out of my house around 7.30 haha...reach sch a 9.10am (haha lucky wasn't mark late *phew*)

ate at; 9:44 AM

♥ Sunday, November 16, 2008

haha yest nite super funny la trish suddenly call me at around 12.30+am (wow scare me leh she seldom call so late wan haha)...haha then we chat alot of things la and chat for OMG so lONG la haha about 4hrs21mins...

when the it reach 3+am she wanted to挂电话but me being such a "good friend" 那里可能这么早放人呢haha so we continue chatting haha...when the clock strike at 4am she又要挂电话BUT我又不让她挂and ended up chat agn haha(so fun la keep dragging the time haha)...haha in the end at 4.50+am she really cannot tahan le then keep saying goodbye goodbye and I wanna slp NOW haha...

(haha trish so funny go edit the pic)

ate at; 8:25 PM

♥ Saturday, November 15, 2008

haha yest is the first time I slp so early man...9+ jiu K.O liao and wake up almost 11.30 this morning haha...I think is becoz of that idiot guy make me cannot sleep in the bus yest which resulted that I sleep so early yest....(curse curse curse that idiotic guy)

wow I think yest is damn unlucky laaa....morning kana squeeze on the way back oso sthing happen(thks arh to that ***malay gal and that idiotic guy).... That stupid idiotic guy really damn freaking stupid laaa...he arh seriously arh dunno hw to slp properly wan sia keep falling to my direction...His stupid pig hand keep putting weight on my hand man la until my right hand was RED (wa sehz he like putting his entire weight on me sia super 不自动wan sia)...

This wasn't the main point that make me so不爽the main point is HIS STUPID PIG HEAD (猪头) keep falling on my shoulderrrr laaaa(although I now my shoulder好躺but 也不需要like that躺wan ma *fire fire fire*) he think he very帅arh(不要脸)...at the moment i feel like doing something evil which is push him down to the ground man and make ppl laugh at him haha but 我人太好didnt do it...
Let's look at his stupid sleeping style
(see his stupid hand)

(see dunoo hw to sleep properly看他的丑相)

FINALLY he had shift his butt to the empty seat behind (终于可以好好的sit liao)...just before reaching my stop I realise he gt gf and his gf was also on the bus sitting behind duuno where Zzzz...stupid sia his gf dunno how to teach him to sleep properly in the bus wan arh...I think his gf also really need to change her spec liao this kind of person she also want (KOKEYE) like this world no other guy for her to choose liao left this idiot guy (dun even know how to sleep properly how to protect his gf man)...

hope his gf break with him within 1 week from yest 14nov2008 (not me being evil is he the one who make me say this)
haha my cousin so funny la...she give me some suggestion of how to deal with ppl who do not know how to sleep properly :D...she sae I can either sneeze or drink water then pour all over his face haha...I think those suggestion not bad arh can considerate haha...

ate at; 2:24 PM

♥ Friday, November 14, 2008

URGHHH early in morning kana SQUEEZE again and this time round was squeeze by 2 person and 1 of them is the same person who squeeze me that time(*** malay girl)...

Super夸张啦the moment she sit beside me i can feel the squeeze-ness and my seat was like kana cut off by 1/3 man...

super jialat la can't even move my hand and body la (cannot put my hp back to my pocket and have to hold it till woodland) as once i move they can "feel" the movement man...

ate at; 4:57 PM

Yest damn stupid la have to redo my RJJJ....Almost finish writing my RJ but didnt save it then while thinking of what to write I fall asleep la (too tired la)...then in the end i wake up at around to 2 then realise my com is off so I have to on my com agn to submit my RJ...But waiting for my com to setup i slp agn haha...then my com off agn as i didn't realise that the 总电is off that's y com keep shutting off.

In the end I wake up at 3+ on my com AGN...then wanted to find my RJ BUT cannot find it (urgh terrible la)...so have to redo it agn...
In the end complete it at 4+...

ate at; 2:58 PM

♥ Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wa sehz seriously i think my enterprise faci really like the word ANIMAL sia...The RJ question that she give us sure got then word ANIMAL in it...like 2dae she give us this ******question...
Think of an animal which you can use as a comparison to your personal growth strategy?Explain.

2dae have to suffer again haizz...have to go for operation to take my brain out man so that i can think better...haha

ate at; 3:47 PM

haha yest 突然间心血来潮wanted to eat bread with peanut cum butter for breakfast...想吃很久了but always not time la haha (always wake up late haha)...so I jiu prepare it at 2.40am :D...

sianzzz 2dae test again...dunno hw to do laa (ding dong ding dong)....almost every week 2 test sia (URGH HATE IT laaa)...haiz...

ate at; 11:12 AM

♥ Wednesday, November 12, 2008

HAHA just finish doing my RJ (FINALLY!!!!)...haha was multi tasking just now doing RJ plus watching tv at the same time haha...when the clock hit at 1am YLBFB 播了and i heard xiao zhu + xiao gui say: JJ林俊杰艺能发表会 I like OMG finally channel U播le haha...then so funny la my first reaction was to wake trish and angeline up by sms them haha... dunno is she lucky or I lucky sia she既然haven off her hp yet sia and I manage to deliver the news to her ahaha...

TIME TO SLPPPP if not same thing going to happen again...

ate at; 2:29 AM

OMG my bro scare me just now la (so stupid la dunno what he doing in his dream)...He suddenly wake up then walk to me and say去拿书and hor keep repeating the word book boOK BOOK!!!

Haha身为一位"good sis"为了要让他sleep more if not same thing going to happen again like 2dae WAKE UP LATE unable to take the sch bus then have to take SBS bus to sch alone :D... So I decided to push him back to slp and he gong gong dai dai let me push and go back sleep again MUHAHAHA....
seriously arh he really like a pig man he can just sleep less than 3mins...

ate at; 1:53 AM

♥ Tuesday, November 11, 2008

WOW I really slp sia haha..and juz wake up MUHAHHAHAHA.....
HAHA my friend just gave me FERRERO ROCHER and I ate it (enegry is coming up ahhaha)...
haha juz had jelly beans (agn yeah) and pocky haha given by my team members haha (sudddenly lots of sweets and biscuit to eat)...

haha 2dae is the 1st time that I TM so freaking early man i reach at around 5.30 (haha early rite)...coz 2dae me and 3 of my classmates got a free ride from our faci haha (顺路ma haha all stay at the east)...oh by the way faci car is damn SHIOK laa haha...the aircon is super duper strong till u can feel the aircon is blowing on u man haha...

ate at; 2:33 PM

haiz 2dae really sianzzz...stupid cognitive HATE it larrr...always give those stupid problem laaa....URGHHHHHH...and 2dae problem is METAPHORSSSSS (wth la such a digusting problem)....
I think I going to sleep soon~~if not later people present I sleep haha...


ate at; 12:57 PM

♥ Monday, November 10, 2008

WOW 2dae finally nobody squeeze me le leh~haha...finally can sit and sleep in peace le without any"负担"haha...maybe they see my face so black that's why don't dare to sit near me or squeeze me haha...
FINALLY survive without my HP for about 11.5 hourssss...

ate at; 10:34 PM

2dae morning so freaking that wan la...wake up at around 6.25am then go eat my milo + biscuit then go bath then change clothes lorrrr....then walk out of my house around 7.20+ then take bus 14 to the stop be4 inter to take 168....
BUT something happen I realise I FORGOT TO BRING MY HPPPP (URGH stupid laaa~)....then I alight after blk 85 market that bus stop then take bus 14 back home AGNNNN....then realise that the bus stop is like quite far away from my hus then also quite tired liao jiu find public phone n call see if I'm lucky anot is there any1 willing to delivery my hp to the bus stop for me...BUT the answer is no man (haiz so poor thing la me~ :( ....then I got to take 222 or 14 again back to the 168 bus stop and have waited for SOOOOOO LONGGGGG LAAAAAA....
In the end I took the super latest de bus which is 8.05am (WOW see how late izzit) and reach class around 9.30+ la...BUT the happy thing is that I am NOT LATE haha....
URGH have to survive without hp for at least 11-12 hrs sia


ate at; 11:57 AM

WOW yest slp damn early man 11plus jiu K.O liao then auto wake up at 9plus haha (1st time leh~)...
Slp so early n wake up early still tired laaa haha (duuno y leh~) Maybe not use to it ba haha...In the end I K.O again at around 2plus and wake up at 4plus haha and the first thing that i do is EAT SWEETS (jelly beans) hahaha.... I was eating the sweets with a blurrrr mind n face haha...
So 我就来个终结that next time I should slp late n wake up early haha like that then wouldn't feel sleepy liao haha (good idea leh~ :D)...

URGH.....stupid la PSP charger spoilt liao....now cannot play coz no batt...I wanna play my DJ MAXXXX....

WOW I think my ma have this special talent (特异功能) laaaa...she can smell the cockroach man and always very 准wan lor...Juz like yest she told me that she smell the cockroach at the kitchen then in end today this stupid cockroach appear at around 3.10am and was kan caught by my ma haha...

ate at; 1:05 AM

♥ Saturday, November 8, 2008

WAHAHHAHAAHHAHA.....FINALLY change my blogskin liao....COOL BI le....haha..
lucky ang go li online haha...

ate at; 3:32 PM

♥ Friday, November 7, 2008

haiz 2dae another sianzzz day (perharps everyday is veri sianzz wan haha)...
2dae problem so LAME la call BARBEQUE...And hor this stupid faci so that wan la want us to do the worksheet individually (so stupid la)...haiz then I was force to use my brain :(.....
haha 2dae when I was on my way home this *** malay girl sitting beside me damn funny la but also quite stupid....the stupid part is that she hor dunno how to sit wan sia then i kana squeeze again make me feel so uncomfortable AGAIN...(Zzzzz everyday sure got ppl squeeze me wan la dunno y....izzit becoz i was too comfortable to squeeze??)....
Here comes the funny part haha (actually is not funny la)...事情是这样的I accidentally saw her msg n it was from her bf (i know it becoz she name her bf as MY BOYFRIEND hahaha)...the msg was saying I MISS U SO MUCH DEAR ...the moment i saw it i wanted to LAUGH la haha but cannot man if laugh later she sure know i was peeping at her msg (seriously I'm not peeping at her msg is that the way she hold her hp is super good view for me to see la haha) so为了不要让她发现我强忍着笑faster go watch JJ MV and laugh就treat it as the MV was fuuny :D....

ate at; 11:37 PM

♥ Thursday, November 6, 2008

haizzz....another sian day...dun fell like doing anything now...
something happen today morning when i was on my way to sch...i have to say that the bus wasn't that crowded at all BUT i was so pisssed off as i was being squeeze by this ***LADY sitting beside me she was like so不自动laaa....squeeze me like wad like that (she think i very 瘦小like that ZSD).......

ate at; 12:56 PM